1. 马来西亚公民
2. 目前就业中(自雇或受薪)
3. 属于B40群体或每月人均家庭收入不超过RM1500.00 4. 无个人医疗保险或雇主提供医疗福利的患者。
5. 患者入院时须先缴付RM1000.00, 余额将由赞助方资助。
6. 极乐寺慈善医院保留全权酌情决定批准或拒绝任何申请的权利。
1. 透过本院Facebook/网站,或亲临本院索取申请表格。
2. 填妥表格后连同所需文件,可电邮/WhatsApp/亲身递交至本院。
3. 本院将会联络符合条件的申请者,并安排约见眼科医生进行评估。
联络人: 吴小姐 +604-8282233
电邮: chgoh@klsch.my
星期一至星期五 上午八时半至下午五时半
星期六 上午八时半至下午一时
Are you struggling with blurred vision due to cataracts, making it difficult to carry out your work effectively? We’re here to help.
This program offers subsidies for cataract surgery, helping you regain clear vision and return to work with confidence.
Spread the word about this Cataract Surgery Campaign and help us reach those in need.
For more information or to apply for assistance, please reach out to Ms. Goh at +604-8282233.
*Terms and conditions apply
*The quota is limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis.
Click to download the application form 点击下载申请表格: